Wednesday, January 05, 2005

There used to be a time,you know in my early blogging days(I have been blogging for a little less than a year now, if you can call that "long"!!)when I wanted to write a post "100 Things about me". My first entry looked like this :

"1. I am a BITSian".

For most of us,being a BITsian is a very integral part of our identity, as is being a Blogger.Being a Blogger,to me entails a lot of things.There are some things you know quite a lot about, some things you just can keep talking all day about or some things you just feel strongly about.I know some BITsian Bloggers who make very,very sound technical writers,some expert movie critics,some political writers and so on.But I guess the one thing we all are really good at,is being BITsians.Yes,you can explain "gussed tuts" "sam-chats" and "anc" in your blog all you want,but nothing like a place where people can get the real feel of what you are talking about.

So thats what this blog can be..Recollect compree niteouts,crib about missing Pappu's chai,discuss "Time Magazine's 25 Most Influential Business Persons in the World names 2 Indians - Both BITSians",or simply why you think Nagarji rocks!!!


Blogger Sagnik Nandy said...


Great idea. Can you add me to the list too.


10:50 AM  
Blogger Sagnik Nandy said...


I wasn't sure if you needed my email id or the blogger id - yanyway they are snandy(AtTheRate) and ah_musings respectively. Lemme know if you need anything else to include me. Thanks.


8:35 PM  
Blogger Kumari said...

Nagarji rocks coz of his Mango shake and Pappu's chai is the best known anti-depressant after any sploosh :)
Here is my url:
mail id: snehidane(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

I know this is the third msg i am leaving...damn! the wait for ur invitation is longer than time spent outside VK hoping for some guy to show his face so i can pass a Gatecall! :-D

8:28 PM  

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